About Me

San Francisco, Great Golden State of California
I am an Hispanic Gay Veteran loving and Living in the Lost City Atlantis, also know as San Francisco.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

(:Masonic Mansion:)

(:Masonic Mansion:)

Located in the american bohemian Mecca, this great Great Edwardian Flat is home to two other people. Aiden, a 43 yr old male that works from home and Cole and 34 yr profesional that rides his bike to and from work everyday. Aiden has lived inthe apt. for 13 yrs and is well establish in his home. There is a place for everything. Its awesome!

This not just a house or a home, it is a place to gather. Many are connected to these walls. More acurately to the friendly enviroment with in these walls. Many friends come an call this home way from their own. It is that place you go when you need to talk thing over. To mourn the losses, thought at time they seem like many, or to rejoice in the victories of life, though they may same few. Friends come come here to anounce in a nonjudmental atmosphere their new years' resolution of finding a Husband. Even though he may not be able to marry, the idea of Hope and Love is always alive in Masonic Mansion. Masonic Mansion is where group therapy acours, over long tall glasses of lucious red wine and sruptioulus home cooked
meals. Dicussions of holiday vactions and the family expectations gone aray, but as the light of moon rises over the city cleanse all away.

The room that i current ride has it own history of inhabitants. It reads like a litany of well hearted men and women. Far i assume is the number of lovers that have spent the night entangled in long across the night affairs here. Yet, my quaters remain prestein to me. Here is where I find solitude comforting and silence peace. It is in this space that i see the light of a new day rise and the magnolia blossom of night shine. I am still getting use to sleeping in a queen sides bed. i find my self one side of the bed in the morning with the left side of the covers remainng intact from a night slumber. the space that will one day be accoupied by ther person who will love me and my flaws, and i them and theirs. After years of sleeping on twin size beds, cots and floors, it is odd to sleep in lush accomodations. It must be said it feels great. The room also has another inhabitant, Heather witness to sex excapades performed by shanon.

Shanon is a previous boader of this room. Shanon freely admits that the amount of sex acts and sexual encounters that have occurd in this room are to many to even try to enumerate. He is a southern belle. Which also means he is dicreet about some parts of his sex life and soulful thoughts. Shanon now lives in London and is engad to be married. He love to be witty and reminds me a lot of the gay men i encountered in the millitary. it is here behind the doors of Masonic Mansion that Shannon confees with the group of friends issues in being gay and not having the right to marry his partner and be able to file for proper imgration status in the uk. I Shanon i see an all american man living abroad and affected by the unprogressive and unresponsive majority of america. He has done his share for his country as well. Yet, his still like many others treated as a second class citizen. Shanon, holds Mr. President to his political campaing promises which would bring him and his partner legimatcy in eyes of the law. These type of civil issues close to ones own life that are common to all gay or straight are dicussed and comtemplated in a atmosphere of understanding and compassion. Compasion at Masionic Mansion.

More, concrete physical impressive atributes of the the Mansion are many. One that for now is random but has my continous camptured attention is a toilet and toilet seat. It is pictured here and as you can see it can be consider an antique fixure in its own right.

But, a home like this has a lot of history,still unknown to me. So, my imagination take hold and i am child of fair tales again. Lots in a sea of possibilities. Those that must a made this their home during the 60's and 70's....

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