About Me

San Francisco, Great Golden State of California
I am an Hispanic Gay Veteran loving and Living in the Lost City Atlantis, also know as San Francisco.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A NEW Day A NEw City!

Sunday 3 Jan 2010,

Last night was a first for me. I sleep one whole night in this City I was born for. I have dreamed of living here for a long time. Today the sun rose to great me and my new adventures with a smile. I showered and surfed the INTERWeb. I am very a dick ted to face book and updating my status needlessly. So after i check male and writing a couple emales. I txt msg my brother, who is still in town, he replies that he is on his way. I go down stair to the bus stop to wait for him. On today agenda finding bedding and getting some grub from Trader JOE's. So as I sit patiently for my younger taller bigger sibling to drive me over to the BeYond, my first greeting to the City occurs. In the quite hum of the sunday morning busses, an older white male with over grown hair and beard sit next to me. Initially I assumed he was being i conversation with me. Before I formulated a response to his line of unintelligible questioning, he begins to answer his own questions. At this point this would be enough to shock some of you, but like all my experiences, as you will see, it gets better. He pulls from his oversized brown smelly coat and clear plastic baggy carrying a small supply of weed. He then takes an old receipt from a purchase he may have made a week ago. I am very sure it was not the receipt he got from his dealer for the cannabis. My buddy the smoker begins roll him self a joint, there in plain day light. Yes, even to me the west-coast liberal democrat that i am, I was shocked. Then, i began to be shocked about being shocked. I thought to my self what a wonderful world and what a city. This is why i moved here. So as he was about to light his nicely rolled impromptu Dutch Master, the bus he was waiting on rolls up. Sending this street blazer in to a furious frenzy of obscenities. All directed at the bus driver. He goes on he bus without his hight times and a few minutes later my brother arrives to pick me up.

We proceed to a commercial imperium to pick my self up some house hold necessities. My brother, Markus, picks up a shopping cart and we ready the floor directory. We notice that the bedding department is on the second floor. With no elevator and having only an escalator available what to do with the cart? As, i was about to loss my cool and surrender to the PTSD anger monsters, Markus noticed something. Running parallel to the escalator, was a track for shopping carts. Innovative! I was amazed so i took and picture. Look! We finished our errands and then I am dropped of at Masonic Mansion (the place where my heart now resides).

NAP Time !

I then woke from my short slumber and began to look for a place to buy an MUNI/BART pass. After hunting down Cole's Hardware store for about 35 minutes i found it. Conveniently located on Cole street a few blocks way from Masonic Mansion. Making my feel silly, lost and new to the city yet again. @ Cole's hardware i was re affirmed about my decision to my here. I was greeted with a friendly smile by a young twenty something, most likely a college student, and a defined enthusiastic, "Welcome to San Francisco." Echoed by Aundrea's' coworker. She was pleasant and warm. I bid fair-well. I walked down Cole and contemplated peoples balance and happiness in a carefree city as this.

I was attracted to a wine cheese shop down the way from the hardware store. Their another friendly face, Sean who was wearing a Power Balance Bracelet. I was perplexed at the idea of this bracelet. I am not advocating this product at all. It claims to do the following: Power Balance is performance technology that uses holograms embedded with frequencies that react positively with your body’s natural energy field to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Sean, him self admitted he was not necessarily convinced either.
But, he wore the bracelet any ways. Claiming it was worth trying it out. Sean, recommended an awesome smelly goat cheese . Which incidentally is still waiting to be consumed.

As, I walked back to the Apt. I stopped by my new watering hole. a place to remain for now with out a name. Ok, just kidding we will call it The Train. It is a small dive the type that offers daily drink special. Special the match the days of the week with the name of the drink. Margarita mondays, Bloody Mary sundays' and so on.
Greeted from behind the bar by a buzzed headed trimmed beard cub named Robert . Music played and created a san franciscan type of atmosphere. For what is worth by buffalo springfield, began to play as i took my first taste of American Beer in America. I thought to my self, freedom. I know belong to those that are free to feel and to live with out worries. or least with out certain worries. Robert, is a good bartender. He is engaging with all at the bar, and very energetic belting lyrics in key at the top of his lungs at random times. Also, he is philosophical, he stated evenly with wisdom, "the more material possessions you own the more they own you." Like a lean well toned Buddha from Richmond, California, Robert dispensed this like advice. Someone must have told him about my obsession with clothing. After, tasting an assortment of american brews, i walked back to Masonic Mansion.

Night has fallen and i retire to my bedroom, after enjoy a gay haiku for today by Joel Derner.

Remember When I
Said i disliked oral sex?
I meant just with you.

1 comment:

  1. If my memory serves me correctly I believe I had been told by some one, my memory doesn't sever me well with names, that pages of the bible make better impromptu rolling papers.
